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people have been asking the question for years: just what IS a "keaton laurel harper"? are they animal, vegetable, or mineral? a case could be made for any of the three!¹ after all, keaton contains multitudes. just look at their website! no, seriously, look at it. what are you waiting for! go take a gander!²


artwork by zoe matthews

¹nocturnal tendencies suggest animal, while level of coolness reeks of cucumber origin. and as for mineral, well, that's easy - they're multi-faceted! want to draw your own conclusions? visit their about page to learn more!

²DISCLAIMER: they are not advocating for goose theft here, but rather for you to take a little look-see at their website. please do not steal geese. 


For Your Spies Only
(Spring 2021)

This is Not a Play
(Fall 2020)

Planks for Nothing!
(Summer 2020)

A Brush with Danger
(Spring 2019)



marx brothers opera medley
arr. by yours truly

spirit cold
by tall heights

by the crane wives

santa monica dream
by angus & julia stone 

with julia moriarty

some other, video-less covers:

minimumcharlie cunningham
00:00 / 04:43
heartbeatsjose gonzalez
00:00 / 02:43
carry younovo amor
00:00 / 03:29
anchornovo amor
00:00 / 04:35





. . . in which two bungling groups of clown-spies find themselves at odds with each other as they vie for the coveted plans to Area Fifty-None.

*UVM Spring Play Festival '21

. . . in which a jester laments their impossible love for a princess, much to the chagrin of a bard trying desperately to give a concert. 

*UPlayers Fringe Fest '21 (directed by Ellie Guyon)- watch it here!

🏴‍☠️ Planks for Nothing! (2020)

. . . in which two stowaways board the wrong ship and get mixed up in a birdbrained plot by pirates to mutiny against their captain. 

*a radio play prequel to All Swashed Up, recorded summer 2020

🏝️ All Swashed Up (2019)

. . . in which shipwrecked pirates bemoan their fate and speculate about their existence, all while being constantly interrupted by "yet another" iteration of the comedic duo.

*UPlayers Fringe Fest '20, unperformed due to Covid-19

. . . in which an aged classic Hollywood star takes a trip down memory lane as she relives the movie that brought her into the limelight and comes to terms with what that meant for her personal life in the years that followed.

*UPlayers Fringe Fest '19

acting, filmmaking

other things!

technical experience: 

  • Deck crew for: 

    • Carmen (dir. Mariame Clement), Santa Fe Opera, 2022

    • Falstaff (dir. Sir David McVicar), Santa Fe Opera, 2022

    • Tristan und Isolde (dir. Zack Wintour & Lisenka Heijboer Castanon), Santa Fe Opera, 2022

    • M. Butterfly (dir. James Robinson), Santa Fe Opera, 2022

    • Eurydice (dir. Caitlin Durkin), FCR Theatre Cooperative, 2022

    • Carousel (dir. Allen D. Cornell), Riverside Theatre, 2022

    • Shakespeare: Completely Unbound! (dir. Jena Necrason & John Nagle), Vermont Shakespeare Festival, 2021

    • Queen of Spades (dir. Matthew Ozawa), Des Moines Metro Opera, 2021

    • Sweeney Todd (dir. Kristine McIntyre), Des Moines Metro Opera, 2021

    • The 39 Steps (dir. Catherine Doherty), St. Michael's Playhouse, 2019 

  • Stage manager for:

    • A Little Box of Oblivion (dir. Troy Anderson), UVM Spring Play Festival, 2019

  • Light board operator for:

    • Jesus Christ Superstar (dir. Gregory Ramos & Craig Wells), UVM Dept. of Theatre and Dance, 2019

administrative experience:

  • Administrative support at Vermont Violins, October 2022 - Present

  • House manager at Vermont Stage, September 2019 - February 2020 & September 2022 - Present

  • Box office support staff at UVM Dept. of Theatre and Dance, September 2017 - February 2020

  • Administrative intern at St. Michael's Playhouse, May 2019 - August 2019

Interested in learning more about my technical theatre background? Please click here for my full resume!
⬇️ oh, also, sometimes I make silly props/paint things! ⬇️

large cambell's soup can prop
scenery flat
large campbell's soup can prop
large blueprint prop

about keaton: 

GRAD PICS 145.jpg

"keaton harper is but a passenger in the clown car of life" - keaton harper 

"keaton harper was born a fool, and it's all been downhill from there" - keaton harper

These are just two of the many theatrical bios I have written in my life. As you can probably tell, I am not the biggest fan of writing about myself. I like to keep it short and sweet. But for you, dear reader, I will offer up a more in-depth look at the being known to some as "Keaton Harper" (and to others as, well, wouldn't you like to know!)

"Keaton Harper" was born a fool, as previously stated, in an otherwise unremarkable year, and it was, indeed, all downhill from there. 

As Keaton grew to maturity (or lack thereof) amongst the pine trees of Maine, so, too, did they grow to love old comedy. Buster Keaton, Laurel & Hardy, the Marx Brothers, Danny Kaye - no one was safe! Keaton loved (and continues to love) them all. They even named themself after two of them!

Keaton spent the just-ok (certainly not better) part of seven years gaining experience as a concert harpist, never once intending to seriously pursue becoming a concert harpist. One has to question what on earth they were thinking during those seven years. Perhaps they were too busy getting back into theatre to stop and seriously evaluate their relationship with the harp. 

After high school they officially abandoned the harp, packed up their bags, skeedaddled off to Vermont, and emerged four years later with a BA in Theatre and a minor in Film & Television Studies from
 the University of Vermont. 

As for what's next? Well... that's as much of a mystery to Keaton as it is to everyone else! If I were you, I'd keep one ear to the grindstone and your nose to the ground. Or something like that. But of course, I'm not you. I'm Keaton. And if you liked what you saw here, feel free to get in touch with me on social media or via that cute little email button over there!


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